Technical Manual:
The Index’s excel files, shapefiles, and metadata are publicly available. Detailed information on attributes, variable names, and definitions can be found in the Entity_and_Attribute_Information sections in the metadata linked below.
Hoosier Resilience Index Data Links
Base Map, Indiana Counties and Incorporated Areas Boundaries
Extreme Heat
- Extreme Heat Events, Current
- Extreme Heat Events, Medium Emissions Scenario (RCP4.5)
- Extreme Heat Events, High Emissions Scenario (RCP8.5)
Extreme Precipitation
- Extreme Precipitation Events, Current
- Extreme Precipitation Events, Medium Emissions Scenario (RCP4.5)
- Extreme Precipitation Events, High Emissions Scenario (RCP8.5)
Floodplain Land Use
- Developed Land within the Floodplain by County, 2010
- Land Use Coverage, Groups
- Land Use Coverage, Sub-groups (Classes)
- 100-Year Floodplain
- 500-Year Floodplain
Social Vulnerability
Climate Vulnerability Data Source References
Extreme Heat and Precipitation
The projected data used to calculate Extreme Heat and Extreme Precipitation were provided by Alan Hamlet (University of Notre Dame) and the Purdue Climate Change Research Center, which coordinated the Indiana Climate Change Impacts Assessment, using an ensemble of 10 statistically downscaled global climate model simulations.
Byun, K., and A.F. Hamlet. (2018). Projected changes in future climate over the Midwest and Great Lakes region using downscaled CMIP5 ensembles. International Journal of Climatology, 38, e531-e553.
Hamlet, A. F., Byun, K., Robeson, S. M., Widhalm, M., and M. Baldwin. (2019). Impacts of climate change on the state of Indiana: Ensemble future projections based on statistical downscaling. Climatic Change. 1-15.
The extreme heat datasets were processed by Scott Robeson (Indiana University) to obtain the combination of high and low temperatures. The extreme precipitation datasets were processed by Scott Robeson (Indiana University) to obtain the average number of 2 inch storms per decade.
Floodplain Land Use
Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IN DNR). (2018). The Indiana “Best Available” Floodplain Mapping. Source updated continually. Download: July 8, 2019.
United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). ICLUS v2.1.1 land use projections for SSP2 and RCP4.5 pathways. Last updated: March 27, 2019. Download: Summer 2019.
Social Vulnerability Index
All social vulnerability data generated using the American FactFinder Census Tool.
U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2017 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, Table B01001H: SEX BY AGE (WHITE ALONE, NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO); Generated by Mariana Cains; using American FactFinder. Downloaded: April 9, 2019.
U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2017 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, B06009: PLACE OF BIRTH BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT IN THE UNITED STATES; Generated by Mariana Cains; using American FactFinder. Downloaded: April 9, 2019.
U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2017 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, B09001: POPULATION UNDER 18 YEARS BY AGE; Generated by Mariana Cains; using American FactFinder. Downloaded: April 9, 2019.
U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2017 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, B16005: NATIVITY BY LANGUAGE SPOKEN AT HOME BY ABILITY TO SPEAK ENGLISH FOR THE POPULATION 5 YEARS AND OVER; Generated by Mariana Cains; using American FactFinder. Downloaded: April 9, 2019.
U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2017 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, B17001: POVERTY STATUS IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS BY SEX BY AGE; Generated by Mariana Cains; using American FactFinder. Downloaded: April 9, 2019.
U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2017 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, B19301: PER CAPITA INCOME IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2017 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS); Generated by Mariana Cains; using American FactFinder. Downloaded: April 9, 2019.
U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2017 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, B26001: GROUP QUARTERS POPULATION; Generated by Mariana Cains; using American FactFinder. Downloaded: April 9, 2019.
U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2017 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, DP02: SELECTED SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS IN THE UNITED STATES; Generated by Mariana Cains; using American FactFinder. Downloaded: April 9, 2019.
U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2017 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, DP03: SELECTED ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS; Generated by Mariana Cains; using American FactFinder. Downloaded: April 9, 2019.
U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2017 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, DP04: SELECTED HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS; Generated by Mariana Cains; using American FactFinder. Downloaded: April 9, 2019.
U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2017 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, S0101: AGE AND SEX; Generated by Mariana Cains; using American FactFinder. Downloaded: April 9, 2019.
U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2017 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, S0601: SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TOTAL AND NATIVE POPULATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES; Generated by Mariana Cains; using American FactFinder. Downloaded: April 9, 2019.
U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2017 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, S1501: EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT; Generated by Mariana Cains; using American FactFinder. Downloaded: April 9, 2019.